Have you made any New Years Resolutions? Do tell me about them in your comments. I've made mine - Mainly to be more organised and get my craft room tidied and less like a junk room so I can actually work in there again.
I want to be even more creative and artistic and use the inspiration I get from all your lovely websites and blogs to help me be a more regular and imaginative blogger.
I also plan to offer some blog candy/ small giveaways at some point later in the year when I have more regular readers/ followers so don't forget to follow my blog and keep your eyes peeled for the chance of a freebie or two.
I hope you had a good holiday season however you celebrated Christmas. We don't go overboard as there aren't any youngsters in the household and we just enjoy a little time to relax.
Yesterday I finally collected my new specs - was a bit disappointed they weren't here before Christmas but there was a problem and they had to be sent back to the lab. At least I can see properly now and they are quite trendy too.
My best news is that Santa brought me what I've been hankering after for ages - a laptop! So now I can sit and blog-hop in front of the tv as well as in the study.
We had planned a day out at our caravan on boxing day but the car developed a fault so we just had a walk around our local area, there's an old railway line which has been made into a walk so we ambled along that. Hardly the day out in the stunning Durham Dales as planned but the weather was bright and dry and we enjoyed the fresh air.
I'll be SO glad when March arrives and we can begin to use the caravan properly again.
Just because I'm missing being there here's a scrapbook layout I did of pictures taken at the caravan.